
http response is unavailable

svatok13 opened this issue · 1 comments

First of all, thank`s for your work.

I have some app, which is only getting some data from database(MySQL) and returning json response. Also I am using redis caching. I am testing my app performance by bombardier. And under pressure my app started to return 500, and log some warnings, like

http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached)

./bombardier-linux-amd64 -c 10 -d 25s --fasthttp http://localhost:1013/news
Bombarding http://localhost:1013/news for 25s using 10 connection(s)
[=============================================================================================] 25s
Statistics Avg Stdev Max
Reqs/sec 69.94 82.57 825.46
Latency 143.69ms 284.65ms 3.21s
HTTP codes:
1xx - 0, 2xx - 1475, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 0, 5xx - 285
others - 0
Throughput: 609.71KB/s

Action code example:

public function __invoke(TagAwareCacheInterface $cache, int $newsCacheTtl): JsonResponse
    return $cache->get('news_list', function (ItemInterface $item) use ($newsCacheTtl) {

        $news = $this->repository->findNews();


        return new JsonResponse( $this->serializer->serialize([
            'data' => $news,
            'pagination_info' => [
                'limit' => (int) $requestData['limit'],
                'offset' => (int) $requestData['offset'],
                'count' => $this->repository->getNewsCountByParams($requestData),
        ], 'json'), JsonResponse::HTTP_OK, [], true);

Also I figure out, that under pressure my app started to throw exception

Circular reference detected for service "App\Route\GetNewsAction", path: "App\Route\GetNewsAction -> App\Route\GetNewsAction

which seem weird, because if there was some circular reference, my app wouldn`t even start.
What am I doing wrong?

Swoole config

    port: 80
    running_mode: reactor
    hmr: off
      debug_handler: true
      entity_manager_handler: true

      public_dir: "%kernel.project_dir%/public"
      strategy: default

      reactor_count: 2
      worker_count: 4

      worker_max_request: 1024
  • OS: Linux
  • PHP Version:7.4.12
  • Swoole Version: 4.5.10
  • Symfony Version: 4.4.12
  • Running in docker: Yes


Symfony/Swoole Logs

15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::header(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::status(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::end(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::header(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::status(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::end(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::header(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::status(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]
15:25:02 WARNING   [php] Warning: Swoole\Http\Response::end(): http response is unavailable (maybe it has been ended or detached) ["exception" => ErrorException { …}] ["environment" => "dev","application_name" => "media-service"]

k911 commented

Hi, @svatok13 unfortunately I don't have a clue what's going on. It would be the best to provide source code (preferably github repository) with project that is able to reproduce that error.