
Multiboxing - specific attempts to de-incentivize or balance?

Basedx opened this issue · 15 comments

So while farming in Halloween i noticed a party of 2 players next to me, obviously dual boxing. Guy had a healbot. Even with just another character it seems way way to good for multiboxers in a game where you can have an automatic healbot and automatic farming. If i had a healbot i would be way ahead of where i am now, taking on much harder mobs for better loot/xp. Unless something is done quick anyone who multiboxes will easily get way ahead of anyone else. TO be honest i don't want to play a game that will get dominated by them, and i know most people wouldn't want to either. Im saying this now because reactive instead of proactive changes are going to be much MUCH less effective, especially as time goes on. I really think multiboxing needs to be banned for this game to have much of any future.

I myself after one day of playing this game have amassed roughly 11-13m gold, decent gear, got to level 44, and have gotten 25+ candies/rare candies. I will level much slower, use more gold, and have worse gear compared to any multiboxer even if its only dual. A healbot looks like it requires minimal funding, just some decent + int gear and a lot of MP potions which are easily fund-able.

To add, i think it would only be acceptable for "vendor mules" but even then i think player vendors need a rework as this game encourages AFK play meaning you almost never want to go afk without training, so maybe something akin to Ultima Online's player npc vendors?

I may be wrong but I think that's allowed. I don't know why else they would allow multiple connections from the same account.

I would however be in favor of allowing one account to only allow one user controllable connection meaning the other characters logged in on the same account must be controlled via code.

Its allowed but Wiz said he would try to limit it or not give people advantages but i dont see how that is possible. Especially since so many people already doing it are reaping in the benefits now. Hell one guy in chat right now said he cant wait to destroy people in the PvP map with a party full of bots. That is not fun gameplay. I do not think there should be any type of multiboxing allowed as the benefits and advantages are way to good.

Already got my ass handed to me by a multiboxer trying to fight over a farm spot. No bueno.

I think we need to define "Multi-Boxing", my definition: Using 1+ Accounts and leeching the game
So it's a definite no-no

However, currently, people are just using "Multi-Characters" - I don't know whether you noticed, but you can connect to the game with 1+ of your own Characters, just create a healer, CODE it to follow you and heal you :) <- This is very much allowed + It's encouraged!

I analyzed player dynamics after I went to sleep yesterday, there was a 4+5+5 group, so 3 players had a large party, and everyone else was 1 (and a couple of 2's)

I have a solution that will reduce 4+5+5's significantly, there will be an IP based daily free Code minutes, enough free minutes so a regular player can enjoy the game for a day, but only 2-3 Character's will receive them, so it will prevent these excessive 4+5+5's, in a natural way

Currently they have every right to go 4-5 tho

In a way my Reddit announcement was a bit premature too, I just wanted people to enjoy the Halloween zone while they can :)

Otherwise, I'm already working on the improvements I mentioned

Another worry of mine is siblings, brothers, sisters playing over one IP address, which is likely, so I need to at least allow ~3 characters to do whatever they want freely, and 4-6 characters from same IP should be allowed to connect from one IP - so there's that

Side Note:

Putting all the players on the same spot is too scary, so I think that's where the multi-box-phobia comes from, and I totally agree

Going to add code "Event"s soon, so it will be possible to make things like a Snake party, where each member of the party follows the previous members "move".start position etc. :)

I already tried to connect with another character and it said it was in game. I was trying to connect to different servers and it was not working. Now it appears to work, which was weird.

It seems a little off putting to someone who isnt a coder to not really know how to do this to have it be encouraged and pretty much required to pvp, and puts you way behind pve. It seems like a problem for any new player.

While a solution is nice, it really doesn't seem fair that people can go balls to the wall right now with zero restrictions. Kind of losing motivation to play since i'll be so far behind a lot of players due to my farming capabilities and pvp ceiling. I've never liked using multiple characters like that, and i never really plan to.

I digested what you said, and will see what I can do about it

But ~LVL50 in one day with that much gold and items, you are doing well, try to form a group with some players and form a regular party thing, that will beat a localized party by far

I appreciate the consideration. I actually am reflecting and i feel a bit to aggressive and selfish in this complaint, regardless of good intentions. I do apologize if that was what you got from me. I just don't see it being a good long term plan, considering a majority of players are not "power users", and games that do permit "buff/heal bots" like this are usually games with almost dead and/or dying playerbases that have already been milked dry (Dark Age of Camelot/Everquest being the main.)

I didn't consider it negatively, It's a valid concern

But people get the most fun out of coding things, and most of that fun comes from coding multiple things, so It will be allowed

From my point of view, the game is easy to calibrate and balance, so I don't worry much :)

Firefox vs Chrome, anyone knows what should work best?
I'm using firefox, and every once in a while one of my 4 not focused tabs stops running the code...

Edit: Switched to chrome, works fine, and honestly better ;)

Good ideas

I actually have many solutions to solve the issue, the UI has been the limiting factor, I just don't want to complicate the game for a newbie

Currently, the logic is, treat the early players a bit

But 10 is too much, you are connecting with 2 accounts in that case :(

You are making me rush many things that I wanted to postpone a bit

For the time being, the dynamics have to change soon though

Interesting. RIght now though, i've decided to stop playing until these issues are addressed. I abhor playing inefficiently, but my dislike for playing in that style is even more. The game might turn out not being for me, but i will be sure to come back and at least give it another chance.

Honestly, I kind of agree with you more now, after seeing extreme things happening

I hoped people would just play with 3-4 accounts at most, during the initial testing stages, there were people who played with 3-4 accounts, but they did it pretty gracefully :)

I'm going to put strict limits/rules to both the servers and the game in general soon

Anyway, thanks for checking the game out :)