
Re-implementation of "Diagloue-Based Relation Extraction"

Primary LanguagePython


Re-implementation of "Dialogue-Based Relation Extraction" (ACL 2020) [paper]
Official code and dataset are avilable in [code] .
I want to make baseline code trainable in end-to-end for future works in this dataset.
I only implemented only bert baseline in DialogRE dataset v1 (English).

Result in devlopment set

Model F1 Precision Recall
bert (my) 58.0 59.2 56.7
bert (paper) 60.6 - -


Before run this code, construct dataset data/{train,dev,test}.json with this format.
You can run this code:

python main.py
--transformer_type=bert \
--model_name=bert-base-cased \
--seed=42 \
--lr=3e-5 \

Issue (check == solved)

  • apply wandb and pytorch lighting - but it is my first attempt to use these libraries, please excuse my poor code :)
  • roberta model training failure
  • long sequence processing implementation
  • long sequence processing harms performance