
Impossible to work w/ Kactus without conflicts

yceballost opened this issue · 1 comments


Sorry for this issue,because is not an issue.

Just it is impossible for me to manage a Kactus workflow without problems with conflicts and multiple performance problems.

I thought in a Gitflow with Kactus for my team and my casuistic thinking that this workflow should solve the problems with conflicts.

This is my workflow

Production branch is a live version of the libraries (Libraries that all of the designers in my organization use for a daily work)

Develop branch is a wip version of components, for example.. if I will go to integrate a new componente or new palette in the next release, I work in this branch and them merge in production.

Libraries in Kactus is only available for my little team, the rest of the designers get the library through RSS system.

By this way, I can work in other branch with new stuff than I need to be "hide" until the development is done (moreless..) and with production branch I can work with the version of the libraries that is currently live. So.. make sense? right? or not? xD

The point is .. when I create a branch, and work in it, multiple id / "numbers" change across .json files, so this generate a lot of conflicts.

I am making something worse in the workflow? any recomendations to make my workflow more "KISS"? (Keep it Simple and Stupid)


I think that when "updates from other libraries" appears, this generate a lot of conflicts.. so... what is the best system to make this updates?