
[Bug] Unable to see Volume Details after updates to React Router

Closed this issue · 4 comments

gaby commented

@aravindavk The recent update of dependencies seem to have broken several pages. The issue is mostly caused by the upgrade to React Router from v5 to v6.

For example clicking on a volume doesnt show the details anymore.

More info here: https://reactrouter.com/en/main/upgrading/v5#upgrade-to-react-router-v6

Thanks for the pointers. Will fix the issue and trigger new release today.

gaby commented

@aravindavk Latest version fixed the issue with the volume details page. I also noticed the 3 boxes in the dashboard have the same issue. Everything else seems to be working fine so far.

Cool. I will work on the remaining issues. Thanks.

I would like to know more about the GlusterFS usage in your company or home lab. If possible, please share the details about the GlusterFS use case and the experience with it.

gaby commented

@aravindavk Right now it's mostly home lab setup with multiple volumes replicated across 3 nodes.

So far the only downside has been the lack of metrics/visualization. This dashboard helps a lot to get a quick picture of the status of the cluster.