Documentation should explain where to put the routes file
pjakobsen opened this issue · 0 comments
Hi, as a newbie, I banged my head against a brick wall for hours trying to use this library, until I realized that the routes must be in /client
I tried put my routes in both the /lib and /server, and got
TypeError: Cannot call method 'render' of undefined
To add further confusion, when I first started, I had the following coffee script in my /lib directory, which failed silently without any error:
FlowRouter.route "/test", name:"layout1" action: -> BlazeLayout.render "layout1", content: "postList"
An explanation of how all this works may be worth a quick mention in the docs. I'm sure there are many like myself who are freshly arriving from server centric frameworks where the idea of routing on the client is completely foreign. (In my case, Python Flask)
I wish I could contribute by writing it, but I still don't get how it all works ;)