
An action platformer for the GameBoy Color written using CrossZGB/GBDK

Primary LanguageC

Spirit Catcher DX

An action platformer for the Ninteno GameBoy Color written using CrossZGB

Building amd Running

Note: although the project should compile on Windows/Linux it has been devloped on WSL.

Download CrossZGB from https://github.com/gbdk-2020/CrossZGB/releases and extract to a directory, e.g. /usr/local/lib/CrossZGB.

Then execute the following :


The ROM will be in the bin\gbc directory.

You can install the ROM created above in any Emulator, for testing development is is recommend to use (Emulicious)[https://emulicious.net/]. First install a Java JDK, e.g.

apt install openjdk-17-jdk

Then extract Emulicious to a directory in the CrossZGB installation, e.g. /usr/local/lib/CrossZGB/env/Emulicious. There is an example run.sh which you can then use to rum the ROM in Emulicious.

Kevin A. Lee (kadraman)