
Stable and maintained Zstandard bindings

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Nevon commented

Currently this project relies on https://github.com/rmw-lib/cppzst, which appears to be the most up-to-date set of bindings to zstd. However, I have no idea whether @gcxfd is really intending their fork for public consumption or if they are indeed committed to maintaining the bindings going forward, which means that I can't really commit to this compression codec working going forward, as I'm not able to maintain cppzst or any other node-zstd fork myself.

I'm filing this issue as a note so that if there is at some point a set of bindings that the community congregates around and maintains, those are the ones we should be using. Until then, this codec is really provided on a best-effort basis.

Nevon commented

The emscripten ports have a size limitation on the buffer that they can compress or decompress (I don't remember the details since it was months I looked at this), so they're not a very good general purpose drop-in replacement unless you know the size of your payloads are going to be less than the limit, which as a library we can't be.