
Example bot.py does not work

noqqe opened this issue · 1 comments

I gave it a try but theres a problem.

Every message you send with msg ends up in being cut off after the first space in the message

Log says:

DEBUG:root:[u':noqqe!~noqqe@unaffiliated/noqqe', u'PRIVMSG', u'#noqqeblafloo', u':!help']
DEBUG:root:PRIVMSG noqqe some help, idk

using this example:

def on_msg(self, nick, host, channel, message):
    if message.lower().startswith('!help'):
        self.msg(nick, 'some help, idk')

see screenshot:

screen shot 2015-05-15 at 14 03 46

Except if you start every message with colons like:

 self.msg(nick, ':some help, idk')

then it works. but that should be handled within the library i think