
Feature request: allow customization of font size in guide buffer

will-henney opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I really like this mode. But I would prefer it if a smaller font were used in the guide-key buffer. This could also help alleviate the problem where there are too many bindings to fit in the window.

In my local copy, I just hacked it by adding (text-scale-set -2) to the definition of guide-key/polling-function, which partly works - it does make the font smaller - but this is not taken into account by guide-key/format-guide-buffer. This is because frame-width returns the number of columns in terms of the default character width, not the actual character width.

So it looks like it would be a bit more work to implement this properly...


P.S. As an aside, maybe you should be using window-body-width rather than frame-width

I implemented this feature. Please try!

In some cases, all key bindings might not be displayed well.
Please report here in that case.

Yes that's great - it works really well. The only issue is that sometimes the list of keybindings gets truncated if there is not enough room. But there is not much you could do about that, other than make the guide buffer scrollable