

Opened this issue · 0 comments

When I run the app in Rstudio and upload the cluster.txt file , I get an error:

> runApp('Downloads/Shiny-master/Heatmap')

Listening on
Warning: Error in : Heatmap name cannot be empty string.
  215: stop
  214: stop_wrap
  213: Heatmap
  212: eventReactiveHandler [/home/amit/Downloads/Shiny-master/Heatmap/app.R#224]
  210: handlerFunc
  197: func
  195: f
  194: Reduce
  185: do
  184: hybrid_chain
  183: <reactive:eventReactive(input$button)>
  182: .func
  179: contextFunc
  178: env$runWith
  171: ctx$run
  170: self$.updateValue
  168: plot_fun
  167: renderPlot [/home/amit/Downloads/Shiny-master/Heatmap/app.R#306]
  165: func
  125: drawPlot
  111: <reactive:plotObj>
   95: drawReactive
   82: origRenderFunc
   81: output$plot
    1: runApp

How to resolve this ?
Kindly help.