
Not able to connect to local server - Server is not responding

guilhermefreis opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I have been trying to deploy this docker but without success.

I am using the bellow command to start docker
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --detach --mount type=bind,source=D:/csgoserver,target=/home/steam/csgo --name teamB44CsgoServer --publish 27015:27015/tcp --publish 27015:27015/udp --publish 27020:27020/tcp --publish 27020:27020/udp --env "SERVER_HOSTNAME=Team B44" --env "SERVER_PASSWORD=123456" --env "RCON_PASSWORD=999999" --env "STEAM_ACCOUNT=MysteamACcount" --env "AUTHKEY=myAuthKey" kmallea/csgo

I am using --plublish because when I use --network=host it does not show up on my LAN tab on csgo

The issue is, I can see my server when I am in my own PC but keeps saying "Server is not responding". See print bellow

I have checked https://canyouseeme.org/ using my ip and port 27015 and it returns that is reachable, so I opened the ports on my router just fine. I just don`t know the issue why it keeps saying my server is not responding.


Attached is the output. Just to mention, I am running this on Windows 10

I was able to fix looking into this issue
