
navigator is not defined (node.js)

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Some time error occurs:

ReferenceError: navigator is not defined
 at IsMobileClass (/node_modules/ismobilejs/isMobile.js:55:31)

I think because in node.js no 'navigator.userAgent' variable.

Check the last paragraph in readme.md, you have to pass useragent to isMobile

var isMobile = require('ismobilejs');

Hi @exentrich ,

@palamccc is correct (thanks) -- in a browserless environment, such as node.js, there is no navigator object, so you need to manually pass in a user agent string, as isMobile assumes a browser context by default as it depends on user agents for detection.

I believe this is a bug, isMobile should accept an empty string without failing....

a workaround is to write:

isMobile(req.headers['user-agent'] || "unknown").any