
[Request] Create a GitHub team: osschat

huan opened this issue · 2 comments

huan commented

Our OSSChat project gets more and more contributors, the contributors need to maintain the Issue and Pull Requests, for example: assign an issue to another contributor, or oneself.

So we need to set up the osschat repo to be maintain-able to those contributors, by creating a team named osschat, and invite all those contributors to join that team.

After we have the team, we can assign the team Triage privilege so that the team member can:

Can read and clone this repository.
Can also manage issues and pull requests.


huan commented

Awesome, thank you for creat @kaiyuanshe/osschat team for us @zhuangbiaowei !

I have added the Triage role to the osschat team for this repository so that everyone in this team can be able to manage the Issues and Pull Requests!

If there's anyone who is interested to contribute to this project but not in the osschat team, please let us know, we will add you and let's hack together!