
Build Game Logic

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • Depends on #1, but the game logic for code words needs to be built out too.

As far as I can tell, a rough sketch of the necessary components are:

  • A class that includes button, team/color, isVisible boolean.
  • A player class that differentiates between red guesser, blue guesser, and 2 spymasters.
  • Allow for buttons to be clicked only when it is a players turn.
  • When a button is clicked, show the color to the guessers, and execute logic:
    • Show color
    • If it is a correct guess, decrease score for that team and allow them to continue guessing.
    • If it is an incorrect guess, end turn.
    • If it is the bomb, end game.
  • Include a customizable timer for players #6.

Duplicate of #24