
Github calls only execute once in a for loop

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For some reason, even though data.length is 2 or more, createFile only executes once.

for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){

  user: "vydingding",
  repo: "vydingding.github.io",
  path: "_data/" + facultyArray[i] + ".html",
  message: "Individual faculty",
  content: content
  }, function(err, res) {
      console.log(err, res);

And I'm getting a 409 that says refs/head/master is at random-hash but expected another-random-hash. Sometimes it creates the first file, sometimes it creates the last file.

I also tried doing two github.repos.createFiles in a row, and it pops the same error code 409, status: conflict.

Is there a way around this?

I think the issue is that you're calling an async function in a for loop. If data.length is 2 for example, it calls createFile for i=0, and then for i=1 before the i=0 call is necessarily complete. From github api doc (https://developer.github.com/v3/git/):

Git DB API functions will return a 409 Conflict if the git repository for a Repository is empty or unavailable. This typically means it is being created still. Contact Support if this response status persists.

As a test, call createFile for i=0 (hardcoded), and then in the completion handler, call createFile for i=1 (hardcoded).