"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packages.cocorico.io",
"options": {
"ssl": {
"verify_peer": true,
"allow_self_signed": true
Copy / paste auth.json.dist to auth.json and add Cocorico account in auth.json in "http-basic" part.
Use 0.1 version for Cocorico 0.1 branch and 0.2 for Cocorico 0.2 branch
php composer.phar require cocorico/listing-search-bundle "^0.2"
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Cocorico\MangoPayBundle\CocoricoListingSearchBundle(),
// ...
return $bundles;
* @ORM\Index(name="platform_notation_idx", columns={"platform_notation"}),
class Listing extends BaseListing
use \Cocorico\ListingSearchBundle\Model\ListingSearchableTrait;
Dry run:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force --env=dev
Listings platform notation computing:
`30 2 * * * php <path-to-your-app>app/console cocorico_listing_search:computeNotation --env=dev`
listing_admin_notation: 5
listing_fill_rate: 4
listing_avg_rating: 5
listing_availabilities_updated: 4
listing_last_bookings: 4
listing_certified: 4
listing_new_bonus: 3
listing_random_bonus: 2
offerer_fill_rate: 3
offerer_answers_rate: 4
offerer_acceptation_rate: 4
offerer_nb_bank_wires: 4
offerer_answers_delay: 3