
RefNeRF test stage PSNR Wrong

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi!When I test the psnr of ref-nerf in ball scene, the checkpoint is the download from your open-source website. the psnr result is 10.56, but the rendering images are pretty good, so could you tell me the reason to the problem? Looking farward to your reply! Thanks!

Here is my run code:
nohup python3 run.py --ginc /paddle/zengpengcheng01/code/NeRF-Factory/configs/refnerf/shiny_blender.gin --scene_name ball --ginb run.run_train=False --ckpt_path logs/best.ckpt > test.log 2>&1

@seungjooshin Could you check for this issue?

I have checked the result using your command and there is no problem.
If your result is wrong only for the ball scene, it is possible that the preprocessing might not be done. For the shiny blender dataset, only the ball scene has a different format of rendering images.


  • r_{#frame}.png: rgb
  • r_{#frame}_alpha.png: alpha


  • r_{#frame}.png: rgba (rgb + alpha)

Thus, we convert rendering images of ball scene from rgb + alpha to rgba.

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/gresearch/refraw360/ref.zip
unzip ref.zip
mv refnerf data
rm ref.zip
python utils/preprocess_shiny_blender.py

If you also get the same wrong results with the preprocessed ball scene, please provide more details about your environmental setting.

Thanks for your reply, I have solved it!