
Reorganising email sending?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

There is a problem with people asking for the latest and greatest email list. With the intranet, the list would always be up to date since users who leave would be 'deactivated' in the admin panel.

If WG specific user groups are created, then specific members of those groups could be allowed to send mass emails using the intranet which would use the appropriate Gmail address and pull the latest address book.

Could we have more than one email list? Examples:

  • all members
  • just residents of 28 or 34
  • people who want to receive the digest
  • new large projects

Having said that, I've been hearing from the new members that they've been getting too many emails in the past week, and that maybe having to configure what kinds of emails you'd like to receive is too much of a hassle. So maybe it's better putting time into working on the notification system. #44

Subset mailing lists would be simple. Just have to think of the subsets ahead of time.