
MERN crud includes Post crud based on pages and pagination. Users crud based on models with pagination and redux state management. It also includes login system, chart js, localization socket.io and login with google implementation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mongo Commands

Start Mongo -> systemctl start mongod Restart Mongo -> systemctl restart mongod Stop Mongo -> systemctl stop mongod Reload Daemon -> systemctl daemon-reload Mongo Status -> systemctl status mongod Ensure Mongo Starts at Reboot -> systemctl enable mongod

Start Mongo Shell -> mongosh https://docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell/run-commands/

Additional Scripts

  1. npm run watch -> runs the app for development purpopes using nodemon
  2. npm run start -> runs the app
  3. npm run lint -> runs the eslint for development purpose

There will be a number of other scripts for testing and linting purposes.