
Compile errors when starting project

jgostylo opened this issue · 1 comments

I got this project fresh and ran into errors doing npx hardhat compile. These are the changes I had to make:

in contracts/multi-sig/ClubSig.sol:
change import '../tokens/ERC721/ERC721initializable.sol'; to import '../tokens/erc721/ERC721initializable.sol'; (casing on directory)
add import '../utils/Multicall.sol';

in contracts/tokens/erc721/KaliNFT.sol:
add import '../../../utils/Multicall.sol';

Compilation worked after that.

Then tests failed. Steps to correct the tests and get them working:

In KaliDAO.test.js:
There is something called FixedERC20 which is not a contract in the repo. When changing it to KaliERC20 it appears that this was not meant to be the correct contract as FixedERC20 seems to include a constructor. I was not able to get past this.

I was going to create a PR with changes for compilation and I see where some errors may not be getting caught. There are a host of compiled artifacts that are checked in with the project. When I did a hardhat compile, the artifacts directory would get nuked (I think) and I would not rebuild the contracts that I did not have. I saw in the list FixedERC20:

deleted: artifacts/contracts/tokens/erc20/fixed/FixedERC20.sol/FixedERC20.json

Is there a reason the artifacts directory is not placed in .gitignore?