
[feature request] element screenshot

Closed this issue · 19 comments

why does the screenshot function not work?

Please don't open any further issues without any information at all.
At least the issue or error, you'd have to provide.
Elsewise, I'll have to block you.

Questions should go to discussions, not issues

Well, what's the problem if your main function is notimplemented.

how can I get a screenshot of an item?

and would like to know what is the difference between your solution and the same undetected_chromedriver or undetected playwright patch

Well, what's the problem if your main function is notimplemented. image

not for element, but for the driver it is.
You can still just directly use the CDP protocol

and would like to know what is the difference between your solution and the same


detectable & old

undetected playwright patch

buggy & detectable

Well, what's the problem if your main function is notimplemented. image

not for element, but for the driver it is. You can still just directly use the CDP protocol

Are you suggesting we use cdp to get the image?

You are still missing features for non-detection:

WebGL WebGL Vendor
Fake CPU core
Fake memory size
Fix sending keys and mouse move

Are you suggesting we use cdp to get the image?

yes, see https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Page/#method-captureScreenshot

You are still missing features for non-detection:

features except of Fix sending keys and mouse move are related to fingerprinting, not a leak which makes you detected.
driverless does not cover fingerprinting (yet)

WebGL Vendor Fake

Not feasible (undetectable) at CDP level
requires either manipulation at OS-level or recompilling chromium. And anyways will make the Canvas fingerprint & GPU Vendor not coorelate correctly => detection.
Generally, not possible at software level at all.

CPU core Fake

there's already https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Emulation/#method-setHardwareConcurrencyOverride

Will not apply to workers, cors iframes & new pages.
requires either manipulation at OS-level or recompilling chromium or Target-interception (=> timing leaks)

memory size

requires either manipulation at OS-level or recompilling chromium

Fix sending keys and

working on

mouse move

working on

If you wish to speed up things, feel free to specify what exactly & support me

yes, see https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Page/#method-captureScreenshot

Why don't you add this to the core functionality?

features except of Fix sending keys and mouse move are related to fingerprinting, not a leak which makes you detected.
driverless does not cover fingerprinting (yet)

Why then if I do everything manually through the same browser I am not detected.

requires either manipulation at OS-level or recompilling chromium

This is implemented without problems in dolphin anty and its like. Also if I'm not mistaken undet
ected chrome driver substituted WebGL etc.

Here is the code to get the image in base64 format

    element_data = await captcha_img.box_model

    x = element_data["content"][0][0]
    y = element_data["content"][0][1]
    width = element_data["width"]
    height = element_data["height"]

    get_image_bas64 = await driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.captureScreenshot", {
        "clip": {
            "x": x,
            "y": y,
            "width": width,
            "height": height,
            "scale": 1
    get_image_bas64 = get_image_bas64["data"]

yes, see https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Page/#method-captureScreenshot

Why don't you add this to the core functionality?

Is planned - just haven't found the time yet

features except of Fix sending keys and mouse move are related to fingerprinting, not a leak which makes you detected.
driverless does not cover fingerprinting (yet)

Why then if I do everything manually through the same browser I am not detected.

As I mentioned -

except of Fix sending keys and mouse

I'm working on those

requires either manipulation at OS-level or recompilling chromium

This is implemented without problems in dolphin anty and its like.

Yes - but Dolphin anty either uses a custom compiled chromium or injects javascript - which generally is detectable

I don't say it isn't possible, neither that this won't get implemented into driverless.
Just saying that it isn't just easy plug & go.

Also if I'm not mistaken undetected chrome driver substituted WebGL etc.

Don't think so - but even if - that would for sure use Javascript injection. Again creates leaks & is detectable

Here is the code to get the image in base64 format

    element_data = await captcha_img.box_model

    x = element_data["content"][0][0]
    y = element_data["content"][0][1]
    width = element_data["width"]
    height = element_data["height"]

    get_image_bas64 = await driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.captureScreenshot", {
        "clip": {
            "x": x,
            "y": y,
            "width": width,
            "height": height,
            "scale": 1
    get_image_bas64 = get_image_bas64["data"]

I'll test that code - and if it works implement it:)

I also think we should add a function to wait for the page to load if we click a link on an open page

And add in the documentation in what timeout dimension
ms / s

I also think we should add a function to wait for the page to load if we click a link on an open page

There's an example for that in the readme (wait foe cdp event)
Tho indeed, I could add a function for that

And add in the documentation in what timeout dimension ms / s

always in s. I can write that somewhere tho, good idea

As I mentioned -

I still don't understand what the finger print has to do with it.
If I start the browser (browser by Selenium Driverless) and do everything manually, I don't get any detections
If I do the same actions through the code, it doesn't work.
I'm now thinking maybe the site is waiting for Shift (to enter @) / Ctrl + V.

Now I have made tests, if I enter text from the keyboard and emulate clicks, everything works
I'm also interested in a bug that for some reason by default highlights the url string

What features won't work if I connect to an already running browser?

What features won't work if I connect to an already running browser

anything related to setting proxy & patching the webrtc leak