
why do we need Zombie/PhantomImports.qml

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why do we need Zombie/PhantomImports.qml

updated description to reflect that we know why we need DummyConnections (workaround Paul found for back button behavior on Android that I forget the details of, @mobile-bungalow maybe worth noting here for posterity), which seems ok but maybe should be moved to a folder with less enigmatic connotations.

I think I'm poorly equipped to investigate this but could go learn all about qmake if we decide I am morally culpable for this file's existence in the first place

managed to track it to a supposedly closed issue

Many of the mobile targets compile in Qt creator by running some combination of compilers and a platform specific Qt deployment tool. The deployment tool scans the imports of all the included QML files and bundles the proper libs with the binary such that the all modules are defined at runtime. for some reason the tool which scans imports does not scan foundation. so any imports inside foundation, but not in mobile, are absent in the package with the final binary and not registered as modules.