
Why incoming message on mysql exist but not kalkun inbox

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Dear Om Arie and All,

I try send message to my message server, the message received on mysql but can't see on kalkun inbox, when I check on mysql the value "Processed" is "false" should be "true" right so the message can see on kalkun inbox.

Any or anyone have idea how to fixed?, thank you

My opinion, You can try Click "Add" on "My Foder" and refresh Gammu, Kalkun!

Solution for me:
in /etc/gammu-smsdrc
specify daemon.sh location:

runonreceive = /var/www/html/kalkun/scripts/daemon.sh

and in daemon.sh you should set location of daemon.php

DAEMON=/var/www/html/kalkun/scripts/daemon.php # daemon.php path

@whitehunter 's answer is correct.

Another option would be to go to http://localhost/kalkun-git/index.php/daemon/message_routine/