
Wish there where a little bit more documentation about gammu to kalkun interface

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Hi there,

I am running so far gammu-smsd and using the command line tools. It works just great. Furthermore, I use the Mysql backend of gammu, and sometimes I use phpmyadmin to check the according database, which I called "sms".

I heard already before of "kalkun" and it was recommended to me as the best web interface for gammu, so I wanted to installl it this weekend. I also followed the step by step guide, and it also seemed to work, I got a "successful install" message after the php install script. However, then I couldn~t login, it seemed as if the user "gammu" didnt exist.

I tried to find my fault, but did not succeed. I think, my problem was also, that I did not understand, if gammu and kalkun used the same database, or if they used two different, meaning kalkun has its own, but accesses the send and inbox tables of gammu~s database. Thats probablz also the confusion why I didnt know where I need to specify the login/password for the gammu database, and where was the users for the login of kalkun.

Maybe one or two lines of clarification in the documentation would totally suffice, to clear this misunderstanding of myself.

In every case, thanks for your great work, hope I get it running the next weekend! :-)
