
Kalkun docker container

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I'm not sure where to leave this... Please feel free to use this as you see fit.

I was looking for a docker container to try out Kalkun and the only one I could find on DockerHub seemed quite bloated (~1GB). I have managed to throw together a far lighter version (98MB, 32MB compressed), although admittedly it does require a seperate MySQL server - I'm using MariaDB (400MB, 118MB compressed).

OS: Alpine Linux
Gammu-SMSD: 1.42
Kalkun: 0.7.1 (see below)
Web-Server: NGINX

Installing Kalkun with docker compose
Installing Kalkun in 90 seconds using Portainer (via YouTube)

The video above uses this docker-compose.yml

Command line instructions:

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/realJoshByrnes/docker-gammu-kalkun/main/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up

Container based on current Kalkun master with some minor edits to support PHP8+.
Source: https://github.com/realJoshByrnes/Gallopavo/tree/269cb413f8e76dd87f37138759a7c6dc21c28319

Please note: Once the database container is fully ready, it's essential to restart the kalkun container.