
In this I created two service which communicate viva API gateway and I also use spring security and backend is implemented in spring boot. For Frontend I use angular and for database I use MySQL database(in XAMPP-CONTROL-PLANE)

Primary LanguageJava


1)In this I created two service one is Employee microservice and another one is Salary microservice and both this service can communicated with each other.

2)For centerlized Communication I use Spring Cloud API Gateway through this gateway user can communicated with any microservice.

3)For Security I use Spring Security which is implemented in User microservice.

4)Employee details are comming for Employee database through Employee microservice and Salary details are comming for Salary database through Salary microservice.


1)Home Page or Login Page

Screenshot (16)

2)Employee Page

Screenshot (18)

3)Salary Page

Screenshot (19)

4)Logout Page

Screenshot (20)