
Channel setting in config file

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, great work. Why did you set your input channel as number 15 (for example in nturgbd_xsub_train.yaml, model_args.channel)? Isn't it 3 channels for (x, y, z)? Or you just copy the 3 channels for 5 times as input? Thanks.

@Fishhao123 I set it as 15 because I use not only 3D coordinates (x,y,z) as input features (channels). The list of features used are:

  1. Spatial features: relative coordinates with respect to four selected joints on torso (two shoulders and hips). This gives a length 12 feature vector for each node (joint) on the graph.
  2. Temporal features: Difference of x,y,z between consecutive frames, which gives 3 more channels.

Thanks for answering @kalpitthakkar-lm

@Fishhao123 Can you close the issue if I've answered your question?