
I cannot login to the Admin Platform Backend

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug report

Please provide steps to reproduce, including errors from /opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_api_v3.log, /opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_apache_errors*log and /opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_prod.log:

Linux distribution name and version:

Are you using the RPM or deb packages?

  • RPM
  • deb

When using RPM, paste the output for:

# rpm -qa "kaltura-*"

For deb based systems:

# dpkg -l "kaltura-*"

Is this an all in one instance [single server] or a cluster?

  • All in one
  • Cluster

If applicable, please provide the MySQL version

If you're having an issue with a specific media asset, please provide a link from which it can be downloaded/played:

I have two questions need your help ,

  1. I canot download the image from the dockerhub.
  2. I installed the Kaltura-server by the yum command, i can access the website http://myhostname/start/index.php#kmc, but i cannot login the website of Admin Your Platform Backend (http://myhostname/admin_console/index.php/user/login), because i don't known the Authenticator Code.Am I missing something?
    Need your help.