
Help messages are different from documentation

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The latest version prints different help messages from those shown in the document

$ ./klein --help
Usage of ./klein:
  -key string
    	upload API Key
  -length int
    	code length (default 3)
  -listenAddr string
    	listen address (default "")
  -path string
    	path to urls (default "/srv/www/urls/")
  -root string
    	root redirect
  -template string
    	path to error template
  -url string
    	path to public facing url (default "")

In addition, the following option does not seem to work:

./klein --auth key --auth.key foo
flag provided but not defined: -auth

Oh, sorry about that. I need to release the latest git version as a binary. For the version you've got this should work:

./klein -key foo

Also, curious to know how you found out about klein 😃

Hey @pdharma, the latest build is now up on the releases page: https://github.com/kamaln7/klein/releases