
only works when started manually

stevensonmt opened this issue · 3 comments

I've been running a startup script that launches polybar after starting ntfd with ntfd &, but after changing my display manager to greetd that no longer works and I have to start ntfd manually to get it to work. I assume this is a permissions issue somehow? Any idea how to fix that?

Maybe ntfd is starting a bit early, it'll crash when attempting to connect to mpd if it's not ready yet

I don't think so. I've added a sleep to the startup script before calling ntfd and it doesn't help. Also soft-reloading such that the startup script (which is just the window manager and bar launching) doesn't work when mpd should definitely be available. Also, I've got mpd disabled and am only using the weather module. It only works if I start it manually rather than from the script. It must be something to do with how greetd starts the session because when I use ly as the display manager it works fine.

The problem was with reading the API key environment variable. If I set the API key as plain text in the ntfd config.toml it works.
