
When I run ntfd I receive the error: ntfd: Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 12>: does not exist (Connection refused)

jblais493 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to get this to work, I am kinda a noob when it comes to sockets. Could you help me out on this?

Hey there,

Let's try to sort this out, first can you share your config.toml file ? this should help pinpoint which module is causing issues.
Hopefully I can improve the error messages, this is a bit cryptic

Actually, I think the only way to get this error is to have the mpd module enabled while mpd isn't actually running.
Could also be that ntfd starts before mpd.

Can you make sure mpd is up and running ? Or disable this module if you're not actually using it :p

Hey thanks for the quick response! That seemed to be the exact issue, my mpd was already running and this called it a second time, throwing the error.

Thank you! :)

Note that this doesn't launch mpd, it just tries to connect to an existing instance, so make sure it's running beforehand ;o