
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/lrelease dependency missing on Ubuntu 15.04

luzam opened this issue · 4 comments

I tried to compile on Ubuntu 15.04, seems that /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/lrelease dependency is missing :
rm -vf -r tr/.qm *.tar.xz
rm -vf -r debian/
.log debian/customizer.substvars
debian/customizer debian/files
src/gui_ui.py src/gui.py src/main.py
data/customizer.policy data/customizer.menu
removed ‘src/gui_ui.py’
removed ‘src/gui.py’
removed ‘src/main.py’
removed ‘data/customizer.policy’
removed ‘data/customizer.menu’
removed ‘data/customizer.desktop’
sed -e 's|@Version@|4.1.1 (cefca0d)|' -e 's|@Prefix@|/usr|g'
src/main.py.in > src/main.py
sed -e 's|@Prefix@|/usr|' -e 's|@elevator@|pkexec|'
data/customizer.menu.in > data/customizer.menu
sed -e 's|@Prefix@|/usr|' -e 's|@elevator@|pkexec|'
data/customizer.desktop.in > data/customizer.desktop
sed 's|@Prefix@|/usr|' data/customizer.policy.in >
sed -e 's|@Version@|4.1.1 (cefca0d)|' -e 's|@Prefix@|/usr|g'
src/gui.py.in > src/gui.py
pyuic4 src/gui.ui -o src/gui_ui.py
pylupdate4 -noobsolete -verbose src/.py -ts tr/customizer_bg_BG.ts
Updating 'tr/customizer_bg_BG.ts'...
Found 57 source texts (0 new and 57 already existing)
lrelease tr/customizer_bg_BG.ts
lrelease: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/lrelease': No such file or directory
Makefile:32: recipe for target 'gui' failed
make: *
* [gui] Error 1

qt5/bin/lrelease is installed by the qttools5-dev-tools
if you want to add this package to the deps.

Thank for your work !

Just a note on this issue, ubuntu recently changed the link for lrelease to go to the qt5 library.
We need to call lrelease-qt4 instead. Issue has been fixed in my branch.

This issue is now closed, due to Ubuntu 15.04 has reached End of Life on February 4, 2016.

Same annoying issue in U 18.04
Had to create /usr/lib/qt5/bin/lrelease executable bash script

echo 5

This let me step forward in wireshark build from sources ...