
Contribution Guidelines?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for putting this together @kamranayub! For contributions to this project, are there any particular guidelines you'd like people to use beyond what's in the Contributing section today? Or perhaps the litmus test is what you've already mentioned - that the umami-flavored content "leaves a really good taste in your mouth". From a logistical standpoint, do you prefer PRs or issues for new submissions?

Here are some suggestions I had. Feel free to cite them as what would or wouldn't make good contributions.


  • DashingD3js - A nuts and bolts explanation of the D3 animation library.

Conference Talks

Youtube Channel

  • Fireship - Short videos on a wide variety of programming topics, complete with plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor.


  • The Rabbit Hole - A lighthearted podcast that takes a pragmatic look at trends in software development.

Individual Essays

  • Care About What You Build - an introspective article on loving software development even when you may not be working on the most glamorous product.

@MrAlexLau I was waiting for contributions to put anything together but all these look awesome to me (I knew about Fireship, I totally forgot to add it!). I know there are a lot of talks that deserve to be on here I haven't collected yet.

And I prefer PRs I think, since it's easier to review items individually there ✅

Is there a rubric for Awesome DevEd? 🤷‍♂️ Not yet, but I don't know that there needs to be beyond "these are impactful" or push the boundary or are a creative moonshot -- essentially, are they remark-able? Or forget-table? The fact you made a list speaks to them being remarkable to you and probably others!

Thanks for the reply @kamranayub. I did try to mostly focus on material that has resonated with me over the years and left an impact of some sort - which is why most of them aren't from within the last few years. Hopefully others find them useful too like you mentioned.