A simple book reading, rating, or reviewing system.


  • Users can listing their books and share, and rating, reviewing other books.
  • users can add books on their wishlist and read soon page.
  • Users can login custom authentication or google Oauth authentication.

Languages/Technologies (Backend)

  • Typescript
  • cookie-parser
  • bcrypt
  • cors
  • dotenv
  • express
  • google-auth-library
  • http-status
  • jsonwebtoken
  • mongoose
  • zod

Languages/Technologies (Frontend)

  • Typescript
  • react
  • radix-ui
  • tailwind
  • reduxjs
  • reduxjs-toolkit
  • redux-logger
  • class-variance-authority
  • date-fns
  • gapi-script
  • lucide-react
  • react-day-picker
  • react-google-login


You need to start the server first. In the server directory, execute the following commands:

$ yarn
$ yarn dev

Then, to spawn clients, go to the client directory and execute the following commands:

$ yarn
$ yarn dev


Some screenshots of the project from different types of users are available in the screenshots directory.

The login screen:

The signup screen:

home page:

Books page with search, filtering:

List books this system (only login user):

Wish List (login can user add):

Read soon (user can set for future and update reading status):

Delete Book (upload user only can delete):

Edit Book (upload user only can update or edit):

comment Book (authenticate user only can review):

Book details (anyone can view):

user account

If the database is up and running (take 2/3 min), use the following credentials to login as a user:

username: kamruzzaman@gmail.com
password: 123456


This project was authored by Md Kamruzzaman.