mesh2slim is a research code for hierarchical approximation of SLIM surfaces from polygonal meshes, which includes an implementation of the following paper:
Takashi Kanai, Yutaka Ohtake, Kiwamu Kase: ``Hierarchical Error-Driven Approximation of Implicit Surfaces from Polygonal Meshes'', Proc. 4th Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, pp.21-30, 2006.
SLIM (Sparse Low-degree IMplicits) is an implicit surface representation delivering an accurate approximation to a set of points scattered over a smooth surface.
This software was originally developed in 2005-2006 and was renovated in 2021 so as to build successfully on CMake environment.
This software is a command-line based application. First you execute "git clone" with with "--recursive" option.
git clone --recursive
You then execute in mesh2slim directory:
% cd mesh2slim
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ..
% make
Then an executable "mesh2slim" is created if compilation completed successfully.
"mesh2slim" is used to convert from .obj (Wavefront OBJ) file to .slim2t (SLIM) file.
% mesh2slim in.obj out.slim2t
To display SLIM (.slim2t) file, use slimviewGPU.
The following libraries are required for successfully compiling this software.
- Takashi Kanai - The University of Tokyo
This software is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.