
Multiple work station setups

WiredWonder opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi there,

First of all thanks for an awesome app!

My situation is that I run a different monitor setup at work and at home. I'd like PersistentWindows to remember the window sizes & locations for each of these. At the moment when I work from home I need to re-locate all of my windows, then again when I return to work.

Does this make sense? Is it possible?

This feature is supported from day one, just try out.

One common user issue is to shutdown PC when switching display setups.
The fix is to put PC into sleep instead.

Without further details about the issue, it is hard to offer help here.

I am putting the laptop to sleep.

Effectively there are three working screen setups:

  1. Laptop mode
  2. Desk 1 (work - monitor A)
  3. Desk 2 (home - monitor B)

When I unplug from Desk 1, sleep the machine then plug into desk 2, I am not getting windows restored to the last position for either Desk 1 or Desk 2.

Could be a known issue #276, pls try the latest patch from the 5.51 release page, the download link is