
Frontend for Chakra_Healer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Virtual Nexus, LLC

Chakra Healer React-Native

This application runs react-native using Expo to launch at this time. It pulls and posts records from the Django Rest Framework API application built by the same author.

Django REST API including source and destination https://github.com/karadikid/chakra-healer

Deployed URL for API:

AWS Hosting

Hosted on AWS Amplify at:

SSL Verification in Progress https://chakra-native.ommygod.com/

Default Amplify URL: https://master.d16lqvk4pa1qme.amplifyapp.com

Run Locally

clone repository

cd /path/to/App.js
npm install
npm start

Creates local instance of Expo to host application on iOS or Android Simulators. Or to run from the Expo application on a hardware device by taking a picture of the QR code and launching the Expo App.

Chakra Native Walkthrough