
NoSuchMethodError x509.NetscapeCertTypeExtension with JVM 21 runtime

berniegsfc opened this issue · 2 comments

OpenWebStart 1.9 fails with

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.Boolean sun.security.x509.NetscapeCertTypeExtension.get(java.lang.String)' 
   at net.sourceforge.jnlp.Launcher$TgThread.run(Launcher.java:681) 

if you allow OpenWebStart to update its runtime to 21.0.1 when asked. A (signed) application that demonstrates this problem is at skteditor. With a JVM 17 runtime, openwebstart will start the application.

An identical issue is logged in the IcedTeaWeb github page (AdoptOpenJDK/IcedTea-Web#922). They wil create a fix for this before the end of the year.
For now, OWS 1.8 should be used (or you can use v1.9 but fixate the JRE version in the jnlp file to v17, this is what I did)

Closing because it is duplicate of AdoptOpenJDK/IcedTea-Web#922