
Version 1.10, resource properties missing

bjorndarri opened this issue · 5 comments

Resource properties are not forwarded to the application since updating to 1.10.

Looks like all my applications are broken with this update, since they all have jdbc urls specified in the resource section.

I'm working with very simple jnlp files, here's an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="https://xxxxx.yyy/app/" href="application.jnlp">



    <j2se version="11+"/>
    <jar href="application.jar"/>
    <property name="db.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@xxxxx.yyyy.zz:1234:rrrr"/>
  <application-desc main-class="xx.xx.xx.ApplicationPanel"/>

The system property db.url is no longer forwarded to the application. There's nothing in the log file, by the way.

I looked through recent commits and found an interesting line in this one: cce96c6


env.put(ApplicationInstance.IGNORE_JNLP_RESOURCE_PROPERTIES, "true");

I haven't looked into this any further, but this line does look a bit suspect, given the problem I'm running into :-).


All of our Web Start applications that depend on JNLP-set properties are fatally broken in OWS 1.10.0.

1.9.1 works.

I've had the same problem.

We found the source of the problem an plan on releasing a bugfix early next week

Thank you!

Fixed with 1.10.1