
Move the stage info out of the karaoke beatmap.

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I think finally the stage will be separated.
And will use the injection (e.g. IStageProvider) to get and edit the stage.

Will use the Workingbeatmp.GetStream() to read the stage file.

Need to make sure that working beatmap is able to save the file.

Also, we need something like StageChangeHandler to undo/redo the stage.

I think will start implement this after:

  1. Implement the preview stage info.
  2. Lazer is able to save/load customized beatmap.

It's too early for thinking about this.

Pin this issue for not forgot it.

Also, should think about:

  • how to trigger the drawable hit-object to re-calculate the working stage(maybe trigger by the change handler or in the stage)? -> maybe use working beatmap to load the stage info from the json file and put into the karaoke beatmap? Not very well but it's a workable way.