
CLI parameter for threads is not recognized

steve1337 opened this issue · 8 comments


I'm trying to configure karate to run scenarios in parallel but the cli options are not recongized

To reproduce

#! /usr/bin/env node
const karate = require("@karatelabs/karate")

karate.config.dir = "./testIntegration"

I also tried

  • -T 5
  • --threads=5
  • --threads 5


using jbang:  -Dkarate.config.dir=./testIntegration com.intuit.karate:karate-core:LATEST:all -T=5
20:23:10.945 [main]  INFO  com.intuit.karate - Karate version: 1.3.0.RC2
Usage: <main class> [-CDhsSW] [-B[=<backupReportDir>]] [-d[=<debugPort>]]
                    [--debug-keepalive[=<keepDebugServerAlive>]] [-c=<cert>]
                    [-e=<env>] [-g=<configDir>] [-j=<jobServerUrl>] [-k=<key>]
                    [-n=<name>] [-o=<output>] [-p=<port>] [-P=<prefix>]
                    [-T=<threads>] [-w=<workingDir>] [-f=<formats>[,
                    <formats>...]]... [-H=<hookFactoryClassNames>[,
                    <hookFactoryClassNames>...]]... [-m=<mocks>[,
                    <mocks>...]]... [-t=<tags>]... [<paths>[($|,)<paths>...]...]
                            one or more tests (features) or search-paths to run
  -B, --backup-reportdir[=<backupReportDir>]
                            backup report directory before running tests
  -c, --cert=<cert>         ssl certificate (default: cert.pem)
  -C, --clean               clean output directory
  -d, --debug[=<debugPort>] debug mode (optional port else dynamically chosen)
  -D, --dryrun              dry run, generate html reports only
                            keep debug server open for connections after
  -e, --env=<env>           value of 'karate.env'
  -f, --format=<formats>[,<formats>...]
                            comma separate report output formats. tilde
                              excludes the output report. html report is
                              included by default unless it's negated.e.g. '-f
                              ~html,cucumber:json,junit:xml' - possible values
                              [html: Karate HTML, cucumber:json: Cucumber JSON,
                              junit:xml: JUnit XML]
  -g, --configdir=<configDir>
                            directory where 'karate-config.js' is expected
                              (default 'classpath:' or <workingdir>)
  -h, --help                display this help message
  -H, --hook=<hookFactoryClassNames>[,<hookFactoryClassNames>...]
                            class name of a RuntimeHook (or RuntimeHookFactory)
                              to add
  -j, --jobserver=<jobServerUrl>
                            job server url
  -k, --key=<key>           ssl private key (default: key.pem)
  -m, --mock, --mocks=<mocks>[,<mocks>...]
                            one or more mock server files
  -n, --name=<name>         scenario name
  -o, --output=<output>     directory where logs and reports are output
                              (default 'target')
  -p, --port=<port>         server port (default 8080)
  -P, --prefix=<prefix>     mock server path prefix (context-path)
  -s, --ssl                 use ssl / https, will use 'cert.pem' and 'key.pem'
                              if they exist in the working directory, or
                              generate them
  -S, --serve               app server using --workdir (experimental)
  -t, --tags=<tags>         cucumber tags - e.g. '@smoke,~@skipme' [@ignore is
                              always skipped by default]
  -T, --threads=<threads>   number of threads when running tests
  -w, --workdir=<workingDir>
                            working directory, defaults to '.'
  -W, --watch               watch (and hot-reload) mock server file for changes


Karate runs tests in parallel

not sure if we will get to this soon, as we don't see too many people using this. contributions welcome

I suggest trying to put a path or feature name as the last argument, e.g. karate.exec("-T=5 /some/dir")

note that the alternative to the NPM option is to install the JRE and the stand-alone JAR


Wow great hint. This does in fact fix it. I'll open an MR later.

Edit: Actually I don't need an MR because this works

#! /usr/bin/env node
const karate = require("@karatelabs/karate")

karate.config.dir = "./testIntegration"
karate.exec(`-T=5 ${process.argv.slice(2).join(' ')}`)

I could open an MR like this OR just add the example above to the docs what do you think?

karate.exec = function (args) {
	args = (!args ? '' : args + ' ') + process.argv.slice(2).join(' ');

	process.env['KARATE_META'] = 'npm:' + process.env.npm_package_version;
	jbang.exec(karate.executable() + ' ' + args);

This would make sure that paths from npm are always passed through as the last option but also allows to define CLI params .

FYI I'm stating my tests via NPM like this

    "scripts": {
        "test-integration": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test node ./testIntegration/karate-runner.js ./testIntegration/tests",
        "test-integration:one": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test node ./testIntegration/karate-runner.js",

@steve1337 great to hear that. yes I'm ok to accept a PR for the changes you propose.

@ptrthomas finally opened that overdue PR.

Looking forward to some feedback

@steve1337 I merged one and the other has merge conflicts. so I'm confused, do you mind re-doing the second PR that's still open. or should I have merged only one ?

@ptrthomas I'll resolve the merge conflicts later :)

@steve1337 hey no worries take your time

@steve1337 just released 0.2.3