Feature: offset setting for `z*`
ttytm opened this issue · 2 comments
I would like to be able to further customize scrolling motions in neovim. Specifically the z
E.g. that zt
won't go to scroll-off but would stop a little below.
Such an offset could be implemented as far as I can see fairly easy into the current codebase.
If it helps - and if you can imagine implementing something like this - I could make a PR in the coming days.
I think this would give neoscroll another nice and distinct functionality. For some maybe just one, or one more reason to use it.
Either set the scrolloff
to your desired value or use the pre_hook
functions to change the scrolloff
value before the animation and reset it after. This is exactly why I created these hooks.
Awesome! I'd like to have it slightly larger than my default scroll off for the z motions. The hooks will do the job! Thanks alot! 🙏