
Receiving URL of form https://@dav.box.com/dav

MrNoodle opened this issue · 17 comments

Possibly related to #75.

In this case, the username is a full email address so it has an @ in it. Oddly, I created an account on the same server (which also is a full email address) as this user and it works fine for me. It seems that sometimes the user is disappearing from the URL though I can't figure out a pattern for it. It happens consistently for this user but not for me.

So this is a URL vended out by a directory listing?

I guess so, yeah. I had it logging at the point that CK2OpenPanel returns it but all the URLs it gets come from directory listings.

All URLs the WebDAV protocol vends out should be going via the +URLByReplacingUserInfoInURL:withUser: method. So three possibilities come to mind:

A) An empty username is being fed into this method
B) This method is being bypassed for certain URLs
C) A particular username confuses this method into screwing up

There's tests against C. Presently I suspect A.

Ok, after more investigation, I think this may be something that was fixed in more recent versions of CK2. Checking, the user is using an older version whereas I'm doing my test on the latest. Seems like I can replicate his problem running on that version on my test machine. I'll see if I can get him to run the latest as well to see if the problem goes away.

That said, #75 is happening for me running the latest.

In which case, since you can repro #75, can you set a breakpoint on line 100 of CKWebDAVProtocol.m and see if you can catch it in action there?

Ok, it seems _user is nil and therefore it ends up stripping the user out. Anything else I should check?

Oh dear, this is a knotty mess. _user gets filled in in response to an authentication challenge. But I suppose there's two cases where this might not happen:

  1. DAVKit never issues us a challenge
  2. The client chooses a behaviour other than CK2AuthChallengeUseCredential, e.g. NSURLSessionAuthChallengePerformDefaultHandling instead

Are you able to isolate which of the above is the case?

Is there a good spot to check for this?

Ok, so breaking in -webDAVSession:didReceiveChallenge:..., the disposition does seem to be CK2AuthChallengeUseCredential. I don't see any cases of it being otherwise.

Also, it seems that it doesn't happen when I step through, possibly implying something timing based?

Ugh, a timing-based bug is not what we want.

I wonder if I've been treating this all wrong in the API. Let's rewind:

Imagine getting a directory list for http://example.com/myfolder/
What you get back likely depends on the user that you log in as. So if you're writing an app which needs to do some keying or caching based on URL, and the user might log in to multiple accounts across that, then you benefit from getting back unique URLs which include the username.

I think everyone else gets no benefit from the username, and just wants consistency. So I'm thinking, rather than CK attempting to figure out which username is being used for a particular operation, how about we just respect whatever user is specified in the original request URL?

  • Clients which don't specify a user and have simple needs don't get back a user, and are happy
  • Clients which know the user upfront can specify it in the URL, and will get that back again in the results, and are happy
  • Complex clients to whom the user matters as discussed above, and might not know if upfront, can take on responsibility for manipulating the URLs they get back if needed

How would that arrangement suit you?

That seems reasonable. That does mean that I do need to specify it up front, which is fine. I had just assumed it would work fine if the user was provided during authentication. You might need to warn other people that they may need to change their clients to compensate.

Also, I did notice when tracing through that the user name was intact, it just got erased. Maybe an alternative is to not re-write the URL if the user is nil?

Actually, I should elaborate: the case I am seeing this is not via the open panel. I do have an URL in this case with the username specified so that is fed in to CK2FileManager. It gets erased because _user isn't set. I'm not sure if I've seen this with CK2OpenPanel where I do not supply the user in the initial URL. I'll test that more to see if I can replicate it then.

Alright, let me try that out on a branch since it's potentially breaking

@MrNoodle please can you give the simplify-user-handling branch a go, and let me know how that gets on.

Seems to work fine for me. Tested both sending in an URL with a user and without and it followed the format of the sent in URL.

Will this be merged into v2.x-beta?

Excellent! I'll give people a little warning and time, and then merge it into the 2.x branch. Is that OK by you, or are you keen to get it merged straight away?

Actually, I have my own branch off of v2.x-beta that has a couple of minor changes for myself (like getting rid of warnings since I'm running a later version of Xcode). I can just merge into that branch and use that. Either that or I can cherry-pick the change. Either way, that's fine.