
Mapping shift/nonshift scancodes independently doesn't work with secondary shift

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Mapping shift/nonshift scancodes independently:

$ifShift suppressMods write 4
$ifNotShift write %

With a primary shift pressed, it works fine. But with a primary ( secondary shift, it will output % when holding it.

problem solved! The language you designed is super powerful!

$ifKeyActive 27 final tapKey 4
$ifKeyActive 85 final tapKey 4
$write %

I am happy you have found a workaround to solve your problem, but the reported behaviour is indeed strange and should be fixed or at least investigated. Therefore, please lets leave the ticket open - I definitely do indend to look into it, just have not found the time yet.

Also sorry for no reply - I definitely did not indent to ignore it like this...

Hello, thanks for providing us with a great tool.
The solution to use ifKeyActive will not work suppressMods.

$ifKeyActive 29 final suppressMods tapKey [

expect: [
actual : {

I specified noOp, as in #41, but it did not work.

Should be fixed in next release.