
Preparations for merge

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • implement macro events
  • documentation - macro events
  • implement basic set command
  • implement command action deserializer
  • test all set commands
  • test agent integration
  • rebase master to allow splitting README, etc.,
  • actually split the README etc
  • integrate integer parsing with macro registers properly
  • think again about KT_FORK directive
  • investigate bug reports
    • stopAllMacros bug?
  • codestyle, formatting etc...
    • if* *( etc.
    • check statics
    • cleanup comments in postponer
    • check postponer semantics

In near future:

  • look into the segment display
  • look into alt+Tab (stickiness) issue?
  • implement missing commands (except secondaryRoles)
  • implement/cleanup multiline commands
  • investigate dispatch problems
  • test new goTo (for labels and addresses)/exec/call/fork

For future consideration:

  • rething the way reports are used in macros? Maybe add global lockKey unlockKey commands?
  • deal with secondary role merge?
  • deal with nkey rollover merge?
  • deal with blind recording somehow?
  • break down macros.c?
    • separate status buffer from macros?
    • separate layer handling?
    • split all commands and leave just engine core?
  • add onKeyPress and maybe onKeyRelease events
  • flip macro secondaries to regular secondaries
  • refactor "SetStatus" to "AppendStatus"?
  • implement language version numbering
  • think/cleanup layer handling
  • think about condition refactors
  • what to do with docs? (Searchability is a must for navigation, yet single README file is becoming more and more cluttered.)
  • cleanup unused warnings

No longer relevant.