SwiftShell is listed as available for iOS on CocoaPods.org
syvertsj opened this issue · 6 comments
Found this on cocoapods.org, searching for a swift application on iOS for running shell applications.
Updated Podfile, ran pod install, SwiftShell is visible in the Pods location in Xcode, and can import SwiftShell in a single ViewController app.
Attempting to invoke run() function is not recognized.
Running with Xcode 9.2 and swift 4.
You can’t run shell applications on iOS. Apple won’t allow it.
That is what I though. Thank you for the response.
This is coming up on cocoapods.org using "iOS" as a search condition, and it should not be.
You’re right, it shouldn’t. The reason it does is I’m using a pretty ugly workaround to allow Swiftshell and Filesmith to use each other’s streams on macOS. So Filesmith imports swiftshell, even on iOS, but uses only 1 source file from it there. I really should find a better way of doing it that avoids importing swiftshell on iOS, but don’t have the time to look into it at the moment.
Thanks again.
If you do not mind my asking, I am looking for a 'pod' or way of implementing network testing in iOS, like 'ping', 'nslookup', and 'route'.
I am not having much luck finding something on cocoapods for that purpose. If you could recommend something I would appreciate it.
No idea, I'm afraid.
#if canImport will be available in Swift 4.1, I think that can be used as a better solution.