This repository is home to useful
and obscure
code samples.
For example using a range in a foreach
foreach (var index in 1..3)
Debug.WriteLine($"{owners[index], -4} owns a {pets[index]}");
Or a complete enum value converter in EF Core
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Property(e => e.BookVariantId)
.Property(e => e.BookVariantId)
.Select(e => new BookVariant()
BookVariantId = e,
Name = e.ToString()
Or perhaps home-brewed data annotations
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
public class YearRangeAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public YearRangeAttribute(int maximumYear)
MaximumYear = maximumYear;
/// <summary>
/// Maximum permitted year
/// </summary>
public int MaximumYear { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Minimum permitted year
/// </summary>
public int MinimumYear { get; set; }
public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
if (ErrorMessage is null && ErrorMessageResourceName is null)
ErrorMessage = "'Year {0}' and/or year '{1}' are invalid";
return $"{name} year must be between {MinimumYear} and {MaximumYear}";
public override bool IsValid(object sender)
=> ((DateTime)sender).Year.Between(MinimumYear, MaximumYear);
In regards to obscure, this means fringe case code that is seldom needed but when needed woohoo.
In some instances, code to use will be in one project, other times placed into class projects and when code is separated the markdown files will indicate this.
This line indicates that the namespace does not match it's location and should not even if not using Resharper
// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace - do not change
Windows forms
Some examples are windows form specific while others simply can be understood better in a form rather than a console or test project.
The majority of code has been done using .NET Core 5 while a handful use .NET Framework 4.8
- In some cases code samples are from Stackoverflow questions were I've written out the solution or taken someone elses solution.
- Other code samples are from Khalid Abuhakmeh
- 98 percent of code presented have been written by Karen Payne.
Many use .NET Core 5
which is out of support. If are using .NET Core 6
or higher, alter the project file to
Name | Description | Framework |
BooksConsoleApp | Example for EF Core HasConversion for enum |
.NET Core 5 - console |
DiagnosticListeners | EF Core diagnotic listners | .NET Core 5 - console |
HasConversion | Partial EF Core HasConversion |
.NET Core 5 - console |
NorthWind2020ConsoleApp | EF Core self-referencing table | .NET Core 5 - console |
OwnedEntities | EF Core owned entities | .NET Core 5 - console |
MsBuildCompressSolution | BeforeTargets create zip file |
.NET Core 5 - console |
MsBuildMakeDirectory | After build create directory | .NET Core 5 - console |
Spectre.Console | ||
AskConsoleApp ✔️ | Example to accept string, and dates followed by prompting for multiple choices | .NET Core 5 - console |
AskConsoleApp2 | Prompt for number in range, multiple choices | .NET Core 5 - console |
CenterConsoleWindowSimple ✔️ | Center a console window | .NET Core 5 - console |
LoginConsoleApp | Console hidden password input example | .NET Core 5 - console |
MenuConsoleApp ✔️ | Console app,create menu with data from a database | .NET Core 5 - console |
MenuConsoleAppBasic ✔️ | Console app menu, basic is opininated | .NET Core 5 - console |
MenuSimpleApp | Another take on a console app menu | .NET Core 5 - console |
ActionChaining | Chaining actions and delegates | .NET Core 5 - console |
ArrayNoDuplicates | Prevent duplicates in array | .NET Core 5 - console |
BetweenCodeSample ✔️ | Generic extensions for IComparable | .NET Core 5 - console |
BindingListAddRangeApp | AddRange from the project BindingListLibrary |
.NET Core 5 - console |
BooleanLanguageExtensions | Code sample to translate true/false to spoken word in various languages. | .NET Core 5 - console |
CalculateExpirationApp | DaysToExpiration method to calculate diff in two dates with days, hours, minutes and seconds | .NET Core 5 - console |
CalculatePersonAges | NuGet package PayneAgeCalculator example to calc a person age | |
CharacterOccurrencesConsoleApp | Example to obtain character count for each character in a string | .NET Core 5 - console |
CreateRandomListConsoleApp | Create random dates and int | .NET Core 5 - console |
DateTimeAmPm | Given a DateTime with either a.m. or p.m. and properly get the value (oddball forum question) |
.NET Core 5 - console |
DecimalFun | Unsual decimal extensions GetFraction CountDecimalPlaces |
.NET Core 5 - console |
DiacriticsConsoleApp | Diacritics converters | .NET Core 5 - console |
ElapsedTime | Code sample to format TimeSpan for elapsed time. | .NET Core 5 - console |
EnhancedPatternMatching | starter for pattern matching Helpers TimeOfDay | .NET Core 5 - console |
ExamplePatternMatching | pattern matching with when |
.NET Core 5 - console |
ExcelToAndFromOADate | DateTime.FromOADate and ToOADate examples |
.NET Core 5 - console |
ExceptionsWhenApp ✔️ | Samples for try/catch/when | .NET Core 5 - console |
FileNamesExamples ✔️ | Code to create file names incrementally Log_1.txt Log_2.txt Log_3.txt Log_4.txt |
.NET Core 5 - console |
GetControlFormProject | Shows how to iterate controls on a form with various recursive extension methods | .NET Core 5 WinForms |
GetInformationForModel | Partly generic code to iterate an instance of a model/class | .NET Core 5 - console |
GetLastNumberInString ✔️ | code to the last number in a string in the format of some chars-a number e.g. ABC-09 |
.NET Core 5 - console |
GroupByMultiplePropertiesFindDuplicates | Simple groupby on several properties of a class to get distinct instances then place into a new list. |
.NET Core 5 - console |
IFormatProviderExample | Simple example for IFormatProvider which should not be used in a production |
.NET Core 5 - console |
IncrementSequenceConsole | increment an alpha-numeric value | .NET Core 5 - console |
IncrementSequenceDemos | Continuation of IncrementSequenceConsole |
.NET Core 6 - console |
IndicesRanges ✔️ | Using month names, provides a basic understanding of working with indices e.g. CurrentInfo.MonthNames[..^1] |
.NET Core 5 - console |
InterfacesUsingAnimals ✔️ | basic example for using interfaces |
.NET Core 6 - console |
IsYouCodeReadable | talk with code samples on code readability | .NET Core 5 - console |
LoopThroughFile | loop through file with exception handling | .NET Core 5 - console |
MarkOfTheWeb | A utility to remove mark of the web from a folder recursively to all sub-folders. see NuGet package |
.NET Core 5 - console |
MonthNamesDifferentLanguages | Display month names in several languages. | .NET Core 5 - console |
NullCoalescingOperatorApp | simple usage ?? |
.NET Core 5 - console |
QueryHelpersConsoleApp | Basic samples for QueryHelpers.AddQueryString | .NET Core 5 - console |
RandomNumbersApp | Show how to get random double and random int between min and max values. For double there is truncation to two for the fraction part | .NET Core 5 - console |
RangeForEach | foreach (var index in 1..3) |
.NET Core 5 - console |
SimpleEmailValidationDataAnnotations | This code sample shows how to use data annotations without [EmailAddress] used on a string property for Email. | .NET Core 5 - console |
SingletonSimple | Simple Singleton example. | .NET Core 5 - console |
SwitchExpressions | Ongoing switch expression samples | .NET Core 5 - console |
TinkeringConsoleApp | Code samples for finding missing int values in arrays. | .NET Core 5 - console |
TransformingConsoleCodeSample | Generic transformer which at the core uses Array.ConvertAll . |
.NET Core 6 - console |
TryGetNonEnumeratedCountConsoleApp | TryGetNonEnumeratedCount | .NET Core 6 - console |
✔️ Useful any time
⚖️ With little effort .NET Core 5
code can be used for .NET Core 6
and higher
- ReSharper The legendary .NET productivity tool: find and fix errors and code smells; navigate and refactor; run unit tests and write quality code faster.
- EF Core Power Tools Useful design-time DbContext features, added to the Visual Studio Solution Explorer context menu.
- Sql Tools SQL syntax highlighting and completion (keywords, operators, functions and variables) to string literals