It cannot open shapefiles
Opened this issue · 3 comments
I installed the package by the option B, imported it successfully but got an error on the very first line from the Instant Mapping section:
The error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "./GeoVis-0.2.0\", line 2321, in ViewShapefile
File "./GeoVis-0.2.0\", line 1511, in init
File "./GeoVis-0.2.0\", line 1515, in NewImage
File "./GeoVis-0.2.0\", line 909, in NewImage
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 2014, in new
return Image()._new(, size))
TypeError: integer argument expected, got float
I tried many different shapefiles, also using Customized Maps lines, but never managed to open any.
I also tried to set the size myself:
mysize = 500, 500
geovis.ViewShapefile(polygonshp, mysize)
But then I got an error:
TypeError: ViewShapefile() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
Python 2.7.10 (default, May 23 2015, 09:44:00) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32.
So how do I use the package? Thanks.
To get it working, edit and modify line 907 from:
dimensions = (width, height)
dimensions = (int(width), int(height))
I also had some issues with pillow and conda... but that's a different story.
I encountered the "TypeError: integer argument expected, got float" at first time. I used Jupyter Notebook to write my python script. I read one answer from Karimbahgat on another Web Page to know that it may be caused by old version of PIL module from anaconda.
I used your way to edit two part of
"dimensions = (width, height)"
"dimensions = (int(width), int(height))"
of the of geovis folder.
But after I implement the instant mapping sentence,
I encounter another error problem.
I'm wondering why.
The error:
> rendering hk_line
> 0%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100%
> |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> task completed in 16.592139 seconds
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-5-2ada0375bda9> in <module>()
> ----> 1 geovis.ViewShapefile("hk_line.shp")
> /Users/chenzhong/GeoVis-0.2.0/geovis/ in ViewShapefile(shapefilepath, **customoptions)
> 2320 customoptions = _CheckOptions(customoptions)
> 2321 renderer = _Renderer()
> -> 2322 renderer.ViewShapefile(shapefilepath, customoptions)
> 2323 def SaveShapefileImage(shapefilepath, savepath, **customoptions):
> 2324 """
> /Users/chenzhong/GeoVis-0.2.0/geovis/ in ViewShapefile(self, shapefilepath, customoptions)
> 1516 def ViewShapefile(self, shapefilepath, customoptions):
> 1517 self._RenderShapefile(shapefilepath, customoptions)
> -> 1518 self._RenderMapTitle(shapefilepath, customoptions)
> 1519 self._ViewRenderedShapefile()
> 1520 def SaveShapefileImage(self, shapefilepath, savepath, customoptions):
> /Users/chenzhong/GeoVis-0.2.0/geovis/ in _RenderMapTitle(self, shapefilepath, customoptions)
> 1539 if customoptions.get("maptitle"):
> 1540 textoptions = _CheckTextOptions(dict([("textsize",0.0452)]))
> -> 1541 self._RenderText(0.5, 0.05, customoptions["maptitle"], textoptions)
> 1542 def _RenderText(self, relx, rely, text, textoptions):
> 1543 self.renderer.RenderText(relx, rely, text, textoptions)
> /Users/chenzhong/GeoVis-0.2.0/geovis/ in _RenderText(self, relx, rely, text, textoptions)
> 1541 self._RenderText(0.5, 0.05, customoptions["maptitle"], textoptions)
> 1542 def _RenderText(self, relx, rely, text, textoptions):
> -> 1543 self.renderer.RenderText(relx, rely, text, textoptions)
> 1544 def _RenderRectangle(self, upperleft, bottomright, customoptions):
> 1545 customoptions = self._RelSizesToPixels(customoptions)
> /Users/chenzhong/GeoVis-0.2.0/geovis/ in RenderText(self, relx, rely, text, options)
> 913 options["textsize"] = options["textsize"]*2
> 914 if not options.get("texteffect"):
> --> 915 self._BasicText(relx, rely, text, options)
> 916 def RenderRectangle(self, upperleft, bottomright, customoptions):
> 917 leftrelx, uprely = upperleft
> /Users/chenzhong/GeoVis-0.2.0/geovis/ in _BasicText(self, relx, rely, text, options)
> 1022 draws basic text, no effects
> 1023 """
> -> 1024 fontlocation = self.sysfontfolders[OSSYSTEM]+self.fontfilenames[options["textfont"]]
> 1025 font = PIL.ImageFont.truetype(fontlocation, size=options["textsize"])
> 1026 fontwidth, fontheight = self.drawer.textsize(text, font)
> KeyError: 'darwin'
The error happens when it is trying to render text. The global OSSYSTEM detects that you are on a mac (darwin), and tries to use it as a key to locate the system-specific font folder from the sysfontfolders
attribute of the backend renderer class. But the error indicates that sysfontfolders does not contain a key named "darwin". Not sure why, because the source code for all the renderer classes have dict with a darwin key... Can you insert a print statement right before the error line to display the content of the sysfonfolders attribute?