
Get a stream of files walking recursively through a folder

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A recursive stream of the files and directories in a given folder. Can take multiple folders.

build status dat


npm install folder-walker


var walker = require('folder-walker')
var stream = walker(['/path/to/folder', '/another/folder/here'])
stream.on('data', function (data) {

Example item in the stream:

  basename: 'index.js',
  relname: 'test/index.js',
  root: '/Users/karissa/dev/node_modules/folder-walker',
  filepath: '/Users/karissa/dev/node_modules/folder-walker/test/index.js',
  stat: [fs.Stat Object],
  type: 'file' // or 'directory'


stream = walker(dirs, [opts])

Create a readable object stream of all files and folders inside of dirs.

dirs can be a path to a directory or an array of paths to directories.

opts includes:

  fs: require('fs'), // the fs interface to use
  maxDepth: Infinity // maximum folder depth to walk. Minimum depth is 1.
  filter: function (filename) { return true } // a function that lets you filter out files by returning false
  // filter is applied to the `dirs` argument, and every file that folder-walker finds